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  • Could you cut down your automations with centralized data?

Could you cut down your automations with centralized data?

No code news for the week of 12/11

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Announcements & Analysis

Is master data management coming to SMB?

An interesting new product called Boost.Space launched on Product Hunt this past week. I just about skipped over it with its silly marketing and AppSumo discounting. But it’s trying to solve a legitimate problem for SMBs that has typically been discussed at the enterprise.

Let’s say you’re using Asana, HubSpot, and QuickBooks. Many small businesses are integrating HubSpot with Asana for project kickoffs, Asana with QuickBooks for billing, and QuickBooks with HubSpot for sales reporting. Now imagine five applications, or ten. The world of Make and Zapier have made it so easy to create integrations, that the maintenance of them is overlooked and we largely ignore a single source of truth.

Boost.Space is aiming to be that single source of truth. Any new application you add to your ecosystem is integrated with Boost, not individually integrated with each other business app.

So are they building their own integration platform? Here’s where it gets interesting. They OEM’d Make, so you don’t have to pay two subscriptions. You get the power of Make plus the Boost.Space centralization in one software package.

Think this idea will take off at the small and mid-sized business level?

Passage by 1Password lets you implement passwordless auth and user management in your apps with two lines of code. Frictionless security can be implemented with passkeys (biometrics) plus additional features like login codes or magic links. 

While many no code builders have their own implementations of easy authentication, it would be great to see adoption of similar features more widely adopted.

New Features and Integrations

Quixy 4.0 has been released which introduces sandboxes, a revamped form builder, improved reporting and more.

Appsmith added an OpenAI datasource integration and now supports ECharts

Equals now supports sharing workbooks with anyone (even without Equals accounts).

Fillout launched Page Logic 2.0, conditional integrations, and an npm library. 

Weweb has a new Kanban and reusable components.

Budibase has new pricing which differentiates creators from app users.

New Finds

Respell: no code AI workflows and agents

Respell: automate knowledge work using AI workflows and agents

Lottielab: animate your Figma designs

SuperDuperDB: integrate AI with your existing databases

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